Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I am thrilled!

I cannot believe I finally am getting this blog going!  I had "google" trouble of course it would be me and my GREAT computer skills did not help!

Well let me tell you about something I do know great new and abounding energy.  Many of you who have known me for years, also know I have always kept going like the energizer bunny...but now I can put that bunny to shame!!!
My life was very frustrating to me, having gained over 70 pounds in less then a year without changing any of my habits...that I could think of anyway.  And it stuck with me! Come to find out I had a thyroid issue that was basically undetectable by the common blood test.  Until it began to grow so big I would choke on nothing, before this I was told all was "normal"  After an ultrasound they found so many goiters on my thyroid tissue that they could not even view the thyroid!  The right side of my thyroid they decided to leave alone because it was "hot" which usually means you have "hyperthyroidism"  However, the left side was the opposite and considered a "hypothyroid" I had to be tested on the left side for cancer...benign so far...thank you Lord! No need to test the right side because it was so active cancer would not have time to grow in it...crazy stuff!
In the mean time, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, had to buy a $2000 machine so I wouldn't stop breathing in the night...boy could I snore...probably shook the whole house.  My husband used to say it comforted him, probably because if I wasn't snoring he thought I was dead!!!
I tried many things to lose weight to become healthier...the thing is...none worked for me, from watching calories to exercise to shake based diets all of it!  It was sooooo frustrating to me cause I know people probably thought I was a closet eater and was lying about all I tried. (That's sad I felt that way, but I did) However, I am actually a VERY determined person, if you know know that!  And things were not working!
Then one day at church, pastor asked if anyone needed healing.  I always avoided this cause I thought there are people out there that are really sick...then it came to me in that moment, I AM REALLY SICK!!!  So I went for prayer.  And a dear lady I had known for years came to pray with me, I knew something was going to be different.  But I went home from church that day and took it all back from God's hands...but only for a few hours, then I decided I would get my mind off of it and dink around on facebook...This is where a new hope began for me...
I already had a friend that had lost weight on hcg drops, but it made me nervous because of the hormone issue.  I had done my share of investigating, but did not find info to make me take the jump UNTIL I saw that a college friend of mine was on a product called Affordable hCG Diet so I went to the link and that was it...enough info to convince me to buy at
I started my new plan on August 1 (actually the 2nd) and with in the first week I lost 12# and all the bad stored fat around my heart and lungs.  By just a few more weeks, I lost up to 4 inches around my lungs and I was running up stairs carrying loads of catering equipment without having to hide in a corner to catch my miracle from God! And no one can convince me different.
By Thanksgiving, I had lost 64 pounds by January 8 I was down 80 pounds (I did cheat a bit from 11/24/11- 1/8/12) but all in all...I calculate .5 pound lost a day!  Because I cheated those last days I am now starting up 2nd round and thrilled once again at what a great program this is and how wonderful I feel.
My snoring/ sleep apnea is gone, no more machine...yay!! My thyroid is still large but it is not getting in my way of losing weight and while I was off the drops from 1/9/12 until 2/9/12 I only gained half a pound (after a good visit to my home bathroom after my vacation. tmi?) and I am sure it was all the icecream, pasta, pizza and other nasty stuff I ate while on vacation in Disneyland!  Even tho I did not end up with much weight gain, I felt gross and lacked energy...lesson learned!  I would rather run, play and laugh with energy then feel like I felt eating that "bad for you" food...6 days in a row ALL day long!!
To me it's not about being skinny, but to be able to live...some people think it works too fast and is not healthy for you...but it is not, I'll explain that in a future blog.  What I know now is I am WAY healthier then I have been in ages fast or not, drops or not and I LOVE it!!!  I am THRILLED!!!
So back to the thyroid still being large...I will have another ultrasound this month. But in a whole different weight category!


  1. AMEN!!! I am so happy for you. Thank YOU Jesus for better health. :-)

  2. I also had thyroid issues that hindered my weight loss. I have hypothyroidism throughout and I am so happy your goiters are noncancerous. I was just developing symptoms of sleep apnea whenever I started this diet. AffordableHCGDiet has been a life savor for me too. I have just began my journey but I am down 10 pounds. You truly inspire me. Keep up the wonderful work.

  3. Yay Jill!!! Not only are we both healthier but this whole journey has helped us reconnect!!!27.5 years was waaaaay too long and we won't let it be that long again. Disneyland was our time it's the SEXYunion!!! Love you my dear friend and words cannot express how proud I am of you (geez you surpassed ME!) but so deeply happy that you are on the road to health my sweet friend!!! xoxoxoxoxox
